One of the most widely used nutrients in IV therapy is vitamin C. This vitamin has been studied for its beneficial actions in cancer treatment for over 25 years. It has been shown that at high doses, vitamin C is preferentially cytotoxic (destructive) to tumor cells, yet spares healthy tissue. A recent 2013 article demonstrated the safety and efficacy of high-dose vitamin C therapy in patients with pancreatic cancer who were concurrently receiving chemotherapy medications. The IV therapy protocol group had a survival time that was double that of standard treatment alone!

Also, this therapy has been shown to improve quality of life for #breastcancer patients  and reduce inflammation markers, which is important for a better prognosis. The same trial showed that IV vitamin C decreased tumor markers in 77% of #prostatecancer patients and 73% of breast cancer patients.

Recent scientific papers have also concluded that IV Vitamin C does not interfere with the effectiveness of #chemotherapy and in fact can reduce the side effects for those receiving conventional medical therapies.

A Vitamin C IV is also highly recommended immediately after the removal of amalgam dental fillings. Several research studies have indicated that vitamic C is able to bind the #mercury present in amalgam fillings, and safely chelate (remove) it from the body.

For additional information on Vitamin C Therapy, Email, or call us +34 951 466 288

Read More: High Dose Vitamin C Questions & Answers from the National Cancer Institute.

Read More: Assessing the Efficiency & Safety of Intravenous Vitamin C in Combination with Standard Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer. #puertobanus #cronicfatigue #fatigacrónica #familyclinicmarbella #vitamindrip #vitamindripmarbella #marbella #moscow #ivdrip #ivinfusion #fatigacrónica #fastdetox #cronicfatiguesyndrome #cancertreatment #vitaminac #vitaminacintravenosa #витаминс #внутривенныйвитаминс #витаминныекапельницы #витаминс #витамины #капельница #рак #марбелья

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